
The Truth About Raccoon Attacks: What You Need to Know

The Truth About Raccoon Attacks: What You Need to Know

Are Raccoon Attacks Common?

Raccoons are generally not aggressive animals, and attacks on humans are rare. However, they can become aggressive if they feel threatened or cornered, especially if they are protecting their young. In most cases, raccoons will simply try to flee when they encounter humans.

What Should You Do If You Encounter a Raccoon?

If you come across a raccoon, it’s best to keep your distance and avoid any interaction. Never approach a raccoon or attempt to touch or feed it. If the raccoon appears to be sick, injured, or behaving erratically, it’s important to contact your local animal control agency.

How Can You Avoid Raccoon Encounters?

To minimize the chances of encountering a raccoon, it’s important to secure your garbage cans and compost bins, as raccoons are notorious for scavenging for food in residential areas. Keep pet food indoors and clean up any spilled birdseed or other food sources. Seal any potential entry points to your home or outbuildings, such as gaps in the roof or holes in the foundation.

What Should You Do If You Are Attacked By a Raccoon?

If a raccoon does attack you, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately. Raccoons can carry a variety of diseases, including rabies, which can be transmitted through bites or scratches. Wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and water, and contact your doctor or local health department for advice on whether you should receive a rabies vaccine.


While raccoon attacks are rare, it’s important to take precautions to minimize the chances of encountering one. By securing your property and avoiding interaction with raccoons, you can help ensure everyone’s safety. If you do encounter a raccoon and it appears sick or injured, contact your local animal control agency for assistance.

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