
Surviving the Winter: A Look at What Raccoons Eat in Cold Months

Surviving the Winter: A Look at What Raccoons Eat in Cold Months


As temperatures drop and snow covers the ground, many animals struggle to find food during the winter months. Raccoons, however, are highly adaptable and have a diverse diet that allows them to survive even the harshest winter conditions.

What Do Raccoons Eat?

Raccoons are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. In the winter months, they rely more heavily on plant-based foods since there are fewer opportunities to hunt for prey. Some of the plants that raccoons eat in the winter include:

– Nuts: Raccoons are known for their love of nuts, and they will eat a variety of types including acorns, hickory nuts, and walnuts.

– Fruits: Raccoons also enjoy eating fruits such as apples, pears, and berries. They will forage for these foods in the wild or scavenge from human gardens.

– Vegetables: In addition to fruits, raccoons will also eat vegetables such as corn, peas, and beans.

– Bark: When other food sources are scarce, raccoons may resort to eating the bark of trees. This can provide them with valuable nutrients and fiber.

When it comes to animal-based foods, raccoons will eat a variety of prey including insects, rodents, and small mammals. They will also scavenge for carrion, which is the flesh of dead animals.


While winter can be a challenging time for many animals, raccoons are able to survive by eating a diverse diet of both plant and animal-based foods. This adaptability and flexibility are key to their survival, and it is why raccoons are often able to thrive in urban and suburban environments where other wildlife struggle.

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