
The Secret Life of Raccoons: Where They Hibernate in the Winter

The Secret Life of Raccoons: Where They Hibernate in the Winter


Raccoons are fascinating creatures that are known for their cunning and resourceful nature. These furry critters can be found in different parts of the world, including North and Central America. One question that often comes up is where do raccoons hibernate during the winter months?

Raccoons in Winter

Contrary to popular belief, raccoons do not hibernate during the winter months. Instead, they go into a state of torpor. Torpor is a state of decreased activity and metabolism that helps animals conserve energy during the winter when food and resources are scarce.

Raccoons are opportunistic feeders and will eat anything they can find. During the winter months, they rely on stored fat reserves to survive. They will also eat any food they can find, including garbage, birdseed, and pet food left outside.

Where Do Raccoons Go?

Raccoons are adaptable creatures that can make their homes in a variety of habitats. During the winter months, they will seek out warm and dry places to take shelter. Some common places where raccoons will go during the winter include:

  • Tree hollows – Raccoons will often make their homes in tree hollows. They will also use abandoned nests of birds and squirrels.
  • Attics – Raccoons are notorious for getting into attics and making their homes there. They will often enter through small openings and can cause damage to the property.
  • Crawl spaces – Raccoons will also make their homes in crawl spaces under homes and buildings.
  • Under decks or sheds – Raccoons will seek out spaces under decks or sheds for shelter during the winter.


In conclusion, raccoons do not hibernate during the winter months but instead go into a state of torpor. They rely on stored fat reserves and will eat anything they can find to survive. Raccoons are adaptable creatures that will seek out warm and dry places to take shelter during the winter months. Homeowners should take precautions to prevent raccoons from getting into attics and crawl spaces, as they can cause damage to property and pose a health risk to humans and pets.

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